Update SailfishOS 1.x to 2.0 on Nokia N9.
My Japanese Blog Article Link1
My Japanese Blog Article Link2
My Japanese Blog Article Link3
My Japanese Blog Article Link4
In advance, installed SailfishOS
But, cannot get image now.(Related Link)
Instead, can get image. (Related Link)
The following content is a process started from image.
If started from image, it may a little different be the case of
I tried once from I remember the process remained almost unchanged.
However, a slight difference in the movement was seen.
Update Process
1. root password change
From Terminal.
It becomes necessary as measures after updating to 2.0.1 and later.
2. Disable Repository
These repositories can not be used and should be invalidated.
# ssu dr adaptation0
# ssu dr adaptation1
# ssu dr thirdparty
3. Lock packages for installed N9
Accidentally in order to not uninstall.
# zypper al kernel-adaptation-n950 n950-camera-fw nemo-configs-n950-n9 nemo-configs-n950-n9-wayland gst-omapfb libomap3camd omap-update-display policy- settings-basic-n950 ti-omap3-sgx ti-omap3-sgx-wayland-wsegl udev-rules-n950 pulseaudio-module-cmtspeech-n9xx pulseaudio-settings-n950 bme-rm-680-bin
4. Change before update
Invalidation Setting.
Comment out them.
In case, and
In case, only.
5. OS Update
When updating any version, the application icon became 3 columns.
Rarely 2 columns.
Sounds and battery indications are lost with the update to 2.0.
I think that the reason is to uninstalled the following locked package.
When updating to, uninstall the dependent package.
When updating to, uninstall the dependent package.
# ssu re
After updating to 2.0.1, several problems came out. I update it to 2.0.0 once.
# zypper ref
# zypper up
Uninstall some locked packages on update.
And add some zypper patterns.
2017-01-13 01:30 JST
Later, I will write things 2.0.1 and later.
Some wrote in a Japanese blog article.
After updating to 2.0.1, it happened that I did not know the cause.
It is not possible to change the time from the setting screen or change the password in the developer mode.
But I could change the wallpaper.
I think that the problem is related to administrator authority.
Appending 2017-04-11 23:48 JST
<policy group="system">
edit to
<policy group="privileged">
Can change the password in the developer mode on
Originally changed in the .ks file for image creation.
It was reset by package update.
Appending 2017-03-17
$ dconf write /desktop/sailfish/silica/theme_pixel_ratio 0.75
application icon 4 columns.
thanks will try it. Any way to get android apps to work?
ReplyDeleteOriginal Jolla device include Alien Dalvik for android apps.
DeletePoring device don't include it.
I don't know how to work android apps on porting device.